Warriors for Freedom and Heart of a Lion

As we have all faced many difficult challenges throughout the past year, one group that seems to have been hit harder during the pandemic has been our veterans.  They have come home from serving and are often isolated due to their experiences.  They have sacrificed and served to protect all our families and our nation.  They have faced countless unknowns every day to support you and me. 
One way that we can thank them for all that they have sacrificed is by donating to this cause.  They offer many Veteran Programs, as well as support programs for not only veterans but for active-duty men and women as well.  For example, with their peer-to-peer support program, they are making a positive impact in the lives of these veterans and active-duty men and women.  Will you consider donating today so that they can continue programs like this and many more for our veterans and active-duty service men and women?  Please reach out to Monica at [email protected] or by calling her at the office (863) 619-7575.  She will be able to help you with making your donation.